G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #58

Marvel ⋅ 1987

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Key Facts

1st appearance of Dusty, desert trooper

1st appearance of Fred VII

Debut of new Cobra Commander armor

Issue Details




Mike Zeck


Larry Hama


April 1987


"Desperate Moves" Mainframe and new desert specialist Dusty set off on a mission in the Middle East. After crossing a desert they are to infiltrate a Cobra Terror Dome believed to be hid in an oil field. Once there, their task is to hack into one of the Terror Dome's computers and send the intel back to Fort Wadsworth. Meanwhile Cobra Commander takes a comatose Billy to a hidden lab where Fred VII, an expert in robotic prosthetics, tries to mend him back to health. While there, Cobra Commander finds an advanced suit of armor that makes him more dangerous than ever before.

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